The sparkpoint toolkit

United Way Bay Area’s Guide to Replicating SparkPoint for Student Success at Postsecondary Institutions

What’s In This Section


The Discovery section is designed to help you learn about the SparkPoint model and if it’s a fit for your institution. Watch the videos to learn about SparkPoint and hear from clients about their experiences with the program, complete the Readiness Assessment to determine if your institution is ready to start the planning process for a SparkPoint Center on campus and go to the bottom of the page to access the full Discovery section in the pdf.

SparkPoint 101


The SparkPoint model is based on the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Center for Working Families model and has been adapted to serve students at postsecondary institutions. Learn about the history of SparkPoint, including the origins, the core principles, the launch, and the growth.

SparkPoint 102


Learn about the SparkPoint model including services, structure, and who we serve.

SparkPoint 103


In this video, we cover SparkPoint data including outcomes, data collection forms, our data tracking system, reporting, and bundling.

SparkPoint Financial & Career Coaching


Learn about how SparkPoint Contra Costa supports students at Contra Costa College.

SparkPoint Client Video


Hear how our clients talk about SparkPoint.

Readiness Assessment

The readiness assessment is a tool that determines your institution’s readiness to plan a SparkPoint Center. It can be used as a diagnostic tool to see and track progress toward readiness, and spark dialogue among leadership and various teams.

Start Assessment

Learn more by accessing the full Toolkit here

Learn more about the SparkPoint model and if it’s a fit for your institution by exploring the Discovery section.

Download the SparkPoint Toolkit (PDF)

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