The sparkpoint toolkit

United Way Bay Area’s Guide to Replicating SparkPoint for Student Success at Postsecondary Institutions

What’s in this section


The Research and Publications section lists reports that show the impact of SparkPoint. Click on each report to read and download it and learn more about the data that shows how SparkPoint can help support economic success.

Research & Publications



SparkPoint Supports Student Success (2023)

This report evaluates the SparkPoint Community Schools model and compiles the lessons that implementing the model taught us about successful two-generation programming at SparkPoint.

Learn More About How SparkPoint Supports College Students (PDF)

Two female presenting individuals smiling towards the camera.

Supporting Whole Families: SparkPoint Community Schools (2021)

This report evaluates the SparkPoint Community Schools model and compiles the lessons that implementing the model taught us about successful two-generation programming at SparkPoint.

Learn More About the Community Schools Model (PDF)

Two female presenting individuals smiling towards the camera.

Two-Generation Programming for Family Economic Success (2021)

Two-generation programming builds family well-being by simultaneously working with children and the adults in their lives together.

View Our Lessons and Recommendations (PDF)

A black and white image of a male presenting individual holding a baby.

SparkPoint Programming During Covid-19 (2020)

United Way Bay Area (UWBA) conducted an assessment of the health-wealth connection in SparkPoint programming, with a special interest in the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on clients and centers.

Read Our Report (PDF)

A college of diverse individuals from all walks of life each smiling and expressing happiness.

The SparkPoint Difference

Lorem Ipsum

Learn more about why Community College Persistance Matters

A male presenting individual in a white shirt with glasses holding a baby.

Financial Empowerment for Student Success

Lorem Ipsum

Read Our Study (PDF)

The cover of a report with the words 'Financial Empowerment for Student Success'.

Leveraging Tax Time

We wanted to explore the value free on-site tax preparation services could offer for families at SparkPoint Community Schools.

Learn about the value of free tax help at Community Schools (PDF)

A female presenting individual in a white shirt smiling towards the camera.

SparkPoint 2017-18 Evaluation Findings Report

Lorem Ipsum

Read Our Findings Report (PDF)

A black and white map of the bay area showing where SparkPoint Centers are located with orange arrows.

SparkPoint at Skyline College Report (2016)

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Learn More About SparkPoint at Skyline College

A four colored diagram demonstrating the benefit of the SparkPoint program.

SparkPoint Community Schools: 2015-2016 Evaluation Findings (2016)

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Learn More About Our Findings (PDF)

A map of SparkPoint Centers in 2015 and 2016.

SparkPoint 10 Key Findings (2015)

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Learn About the 10 Key Findings (PDF)

Two female presenting individuals appearing to be a mother and daughter with their faces pressed together smiling.

SparkPoint 10 Key Findings Infographic (2015)

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Visualize Our 10 Key Findings (PDF)

A cutout of an infographic with deep muted greens and oranges displaying the achievements of SparkPoint Centers.

SparkPoint Bundled Services Analysis (2014)

Lorem Ipsum

Read Our Analysis (PDF)

The front page of a report sprawling with text.

Connecting Taxpayers to Financial Services at Vita Sites (2013)

Lorem Ipsum

Read Our Report (PDF)

A male presenting individual smiling off to the side.

Successful Client Analysis (2013)

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Read Our Analysis of Successful Clients (PDF)

A map of the Bay Area showing customer success.

Ladders to Success: Center-Based Strategies for Moving Working Families into the Middle Class (2011)

Lorem Ipsum

Read Our Strategies (PDF)

What appears to be a mother and child looking through a SparkPoint piggy bank smiling towards each other.

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