Toolkit Resources

United Way Bay Area’s Guide to Replicating SparkPoint for Student Success at Postsecondary Institutions

What’s in this section


The Resources section lists the planning tools available in the SparkPoint Toolkit. Click on a tool to download it and remember to refer back to the Planning section to learn more about each tool and how to it can help in your planning process.

Find Your Resource


Start the Planning Process

Sample Work Plan (XSLX)

Two female presenting individuals smiling towards the camera.

The Racial Equity Tool

Access the Racial Equity Tool (PDF)

Two female presenting individuals smiling towards the camera.

SparkPoint Implementation Plan

SparkPoint Implementation Plan Template

Two female presenting individuals smiling towards the camera.

SparkPoint Implementation Plan

SparkPoint Implementation Plan Sample (PDF)

Two female presenting individuals smiling towards the camera.

Budget and Sustainability

Sample Budget Template (PDF)

Two female presenting individuals smiling towards the camera.

Budget and Sustainability

Financial Sustainability Plan Sample (PDF)

Two female presenting individuals smiling towards the camera.

Service Integration

Service Integration Plan (PDF)

Two female presenting individuals smiling towards the camera.

Service Integration

Working Together Worksheet (PDF)

Two female presenting individuals smiling towards the camera.

Evaluation and Learning

Logic Model Template (PDF)

Two female presenting individuals smiling towards the camera.

Evaluation and Learning

Logic Model Sample (PDF)

Two female presenting individuals smiling towards the camera.

Evaluation and Learning

Sample Mid-Year Report (PDF)

Two female presenting individuals smiling towards the camera.

Culture and Client Journey

Brainstorming Activity (PDF)

Two female presenting individuals smiling towards the camera.

Culture and Client Journey

Client Journey Map Worksheet (PDF)

Two female presenting individuals smiling towards the camera.

Culture and Client Journey

Client Journey Map Sample (PDF)

Two female presenting individuals smiling towards the camera.

Culture and Client Journey

Client Journey Action Plan Worksheet (PDF)

Two female presenting individuals smiling towards the camera.

Launch Event Planning

Sample Planning Checklist (XLSX)

Two female presenting individuals smiling towards the camera.

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