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Backpack Drive Delivers 600+ Kits to Bay Area Families

September 15, 2020

Despite the uncertainty of school reopenings, United Way Bay Area moved forward (virtually, of course!) with our annual Backpack and School Supply Drive to support youth who couldn’t afford the tools to start the year off on the right track–from home.

Thanks to our partners, Eco Everest, Dodge & Cox, and Johnston & Actelion, we were able to donate over 600 backpacks and school supply kits to eight local agencies serving 600+ Bay Area families in need. East Bay Asian Development Corporation, SparkPoint Oakland, 100 Black Men Bay Area, SparkPoint Contra Costa, McKinley Elementary, and 826 Valencia were all recipients of the Back-to-School kits.

We are grateful to our community for lending its support to help those youth and families in most need during this difficult time!