Learn how your gift supports services and programs that change lives in the Bay Area.
We work with the Community, Service Providers, Advocacy Leaders and an Amazing Network of Agency Partners To Come Together and Create Impact.
Meet Liat
Explore Liat's transformative journey from long-term renter to an advocate for housing justice and stable living conditions.
Meet Unathi
As Unathi prepared to complete her final college classes to receive an associate degree in 2021, she was introduced to a mandatory course that became pivotal to her journey in unexpected ways.
Meet Ryland
Ryland uses his personal experience with our services to advocate for broader access to resources for the Bay Area. It’s an experience that includes support that would be critical in helping him and his mother fight eviction during a housing crisis exacerbated by the pandemic.
Meet Manson
How do you turn fear into financial freedom? Manson shares his story of using Free Tax Help to uplift the Chinatown community.
Meet Ellen
Explore Ellen's journey from fighting cancer and financial hardship to becoming a UWBA ambassador, highlighting the unseen struggles of seniors across the Bay Area.
Meet Jamila
For many in the Bay Area, life's unexpected turns can mean the difference between stability and crisis.
Meet Lupe
When she was wrongfully evicted, Guadalupe reached out to UWBA community partner, East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy for help.
Meet Muhammad
Muhammad shares his personal journey as a newcomer to the U.S. and the invaluable assistance he received from UWBA's SparkPoint program.
Meet Devang
Meet Devang, from United Way Bay Area’s Emerging Leaders donor group, as he discusses his journey to making a positive impact on Bay Area communities.
Meet Juan
Juan recounts his journey of finding hope now while overcoming the barriers of his past with the support of SparkPoint coaches.
Meet Arya
Arya shares her experience with the UWBA Youth Opportunities Pathways (YOP) College Essay Workshop and how this helped her university prospects.
Meet Sophia
Sophia shares how she used the UWBA Youth Opportunities Pathways College Essay workshop to apply for scholarships.
Meet Sui
Sui talks about her journey to financial stability with the help of SparkPoint & Free Tax Help.
Meet Dan
Dan describes his time volunteering with the Free Tax Help program as eye-opening and rewarding.
Meet Elizabeth
Elizabeth talks about economic opportunities, community development, and the partnership between EBALDC and UWBA.
Meet Maria
“When I retired, I wanted to volunteer…I wanted to give back to the community,” said Maria. “I tried different organizations and what I liked about Un
Meet Jess
In this story of impact, Jess talks about her journey to becoming a UWBA Ambassador and policy advocate with the help of SparkPoint.
Breaking the Cycle.
Hear United Way Bay Area Ambassadors share their experiences facing challenges and overcoming barriers, in their own words.
Marcia's Story
Meet Jesse
Jesse found a SparkPoint center and was able to change his credit and start his own business.
Meet Apple
Apple, who found support to build a stronger financial future for her family at a United Way Bay Area SparkPoint® Center
Meet Carmen
Discover Carmen's inspiring journey with Sparkpoint as she transforms her financial future, aiming for homeownership and educational savings.
Meet Jim
Explore Jim Olson's 30-year journey with United Way Bay Area, advocating for asylum seekers and fostering community through humanitarian work
Meet Arjun
Discover how Arjun and the Emerging Leaders support Bay Area families through the Winter Wonderland event.
Meet Drake
Discover Drake's inspiring journey from foster care to achieving his financial goals with Spark Point's help.
Meet Maxine
Discover Maxine's inspiring journey as a bilingual volunteer with United Way, providing crucial tax services and encouraging community involvement.
Meet Mike
Explore how United Way volunteers empower youth for career success, boosting confidence and job readiness.
Meet Julie
Discover SparkPoint at San Francisco State University, where financial education meets equity to empower students for economic mobility.
Meet Raheem
Discover Raheem's inspiring journey and contributions to our community. Learn more about his impactful role at UWBA.