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Together in the Wake

January 27, 2023

Vigil in Solidarity

Resources for Supporting Our Oakland and Half Moon Bay Communities

Our hearts continue to go out to the individuals and families impacted by the gun violence of the past week in our Bay Area communities of Half Moon Bay and East Oakland, and to those in the Southern California community of Monterey Park as well. These senseless acts have left many feeling shocked, saddened, and maybe even afraid. These are the tragedies that reverberate throughout our homes, our schools, our places of worship, our towns and cities, our regions – our state. We stand with those who have been affected and offer our deepest condolences to those who have lost loved ones.

As a community, it’s important that we come together, all over the Bay Area, to support those in need during this incredibly difficult time. There are several ways we can do this, including donating to organizations that provide aid and support to victims and their families.

One such organization is Coastside Hope, which provides financial assistance to the victims of mass shootings in Half Moon Bay. You can give to the Coastside Hope Farmerworker Fund. What they raise through this fund will go “directly to individuals and families affected, for lost wages, funeral expenses, and any other relief and support that they may need – immediately.”

Another organization that is providing support to the families of victims is ALAS (Ayudando Latitinos A Sonar). Their HBM Strong Fund “will directly support [their] Farmworker community and those that innocently lost their lives.”

Both Coastside Hope and ALAS are also providing aid to families directly affected with temporary housing and lost wage support.

In addition to making donations, there are also several additional resources available for those who have been affected by the shootings. The Crisis Response Team is available for mental health support by calling 1-800-686-0101, or by visiting the San Mateo Behavioral Health and Recovery Services website for more information.

These conversations can be extremely difficult to have at any age and may be especially complicated for those with children. If you need assistance speaking with children about gun violence, this resource from the San Mateo Office of Education may be helpful.

In the wake of such tragedy, it’s natural to feel uncertain about what we can do to help. But by coming together, mobilizing as a community, and supporting those who have been affected, we can provide a measure of hope and let our neighbors know THEY ARE NOT ALONE. Our thoughts are with the victims and families of Half Moon Bay and East Oakland, and we will continue to stand in solidarity with them during this difficult time.


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