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Connect to jobs, internships and more!

May 1, 2019

Are you interested in job or internship opportunities? Check out these San Francisco-based organizations to help you connect to jobs, internships or other services!

Communities in Harmony Advocating for Learning and Kids (CHALK)

CHALK is a youth-led project that provides youth services with a focus on transformative youth development and employment. Our Youth Leadership and Workforce Programs include:

  • YouthLine Tech: a tech and media job training program
  • ReSET: job training and work experience for justice system-involved youth
  • Youth Funding Youth Ideas: youth-led grant making program
  • Youth Policy Leaders: youth-led organizing and policy program
  • Opportunity Works: a high school completion program for out-of-school and disengaged youth
  • Roadmap to Peace: economic, health and safety program for violence-involved Latino youth
  • Career Pathways for Undocumented Youth: career exploration and work experience for undocumented youth

Community Youth Center

Community Youth Center (CYC) helps empower a diverse population of high need youth and their families by providing comprehensive youth development through education, employment training, advocacy, and other support services. Our Workshop Development program assists young job seekers with building the skills necessary to achieve economic self-sufficiency. Our programs provide job readiness training and job placement workshops, soft skills preparation, internships, numeracy and literacy support, technology and computer skills training, and career exploration.

Jewish Vocational Services

Jewish Vocational Services (JVS) helps San Francisco youth transform their lives by building skills and connections to succeed in school and work. We help young people experience the world of work and transition to postsecondary education or a job with career potential.

JVS works with foster and high school youth with disabilities to identify career goals, prepare for the job world and build skills.

JVS partners with John O’Connell High School and Downtown High School to link in-school coursework to future careers through work-based learning.

JVS helps youth build bridges to postsecondary education and careers in three industries: early care and education, building construction trades, and environmental technology.\

Mission Economic Development Agency

Rooted in the Mission and focused on San Francisco, MEDA’s mission is to strengthen low- and moderate-income Latino families by promoting economic equity and social justice through asset building and community development. MEDA’s free Workforce Development Program helps San Francisco’s low- and moderate-income job seekers obtain and retain living-wage, long-term employment, complemented by access to opportunities for career growth. All services are provided in English and Spanish at our Mission neighborhood center.

New Door Ventures

New Door helps youth transform their lives through jobs, skill building and training.

New Door uses innovative and evidence-based youth development strategies in our 14-week employment program. Youth participate as a member of a cohort, consisting of 15 – 20 interns. Young people learn with each other during their internships and support their peers.

About half of the young people in New Door’s Employment Program have dropped out of high school at some point. To help, we offer our Education Program so that young people can earn their high school equivalency and secure a job.


Urban Services Youth Workforce Department is committed to helping youth overcome personal and professional barriers by providing them with skills that sufficiently prepare them for workplace success. Urban Services provides internship and employment opportunities for youth ages 16-24. We offer three programs: Empowerment to Employment, Roots of Success, and Roadmap to Readiness.

Success Center

Success Center helps empower marginalized community members through education, employment and art, so they may develop a positive self-image, as well as, a sense of hope and purpose for their future.

Urban Connections is an intensive program, offering a career one-stop, a wealth of resources and workshops, and advanced career training courses in green construction, healthcare, hospitality, computer coding, and cannabis – focusing on equity inside this expanding industry.

Urban Connections provides a variety of services: job readiness training, job training in industries targeted for sustained growth, access to educational opportunities, case management to address barriers to employment, job placement, and job coaching.

Young Community Developers

Young Community Developers (YCD) is a community-based organization that provides education and employment training opportunities to residents of San Francisco’s Southeast neighborhoods. We are dedicated to empowering the Bayview Community with the tools and resources to be successful in school and on the job.

Through our Youth Development Department, we assist youth in their overall development through job readiness training, academic support, and mentorship. YCD offers services to individuals involved in the justice system, providing paid job readiness training, subsidized work experience, and employment and education placement services that align with their interests.