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Two vibrant male and two vibrant female presenting individuals standing against a wall posing and smiling for the camera. Two vibrant male and two vibrant female presenting individuals standing against a wall posing and smiling for the camera.

Champions for United Way Bay Area’s Mission to Fight Poverty.

Build strong relationships with like-minded community leaders who are passionate and committed to the impact of United Way Bay Area. Join UWBA’s Champions today.


Champions are a group of proud Bay Area community leaders, driven to be part of United Way Bay Area’s fight against poverty. As a Champion you will influence volunteer engagement opportunities that have a lasting impact on children and families in our community. Our Champions also receive invitations to special events, unique networking opportunities with Board and UWBA leadership, and the chance to meet other influential community leaders. Be visible. Be part of the fight. Be a Champion.


Value Add:

  • Your name listed on the Champions website
  • Unique networking opportunities
  • Access to educational content and webinars
  • Curated volunteer opportunities
  • Stewardship from UWBA’s Development Staff
  • Access to more individual and professional development
  • Exclusive events
  • “VIP” opportunities at UWBA events


Regular newsletters and insider communications from UWBA


Minimum donation of $1,000

Join Champions

How to Join

With a minimum gift of $1,000 to United Way Bay Area, you'll be a part of a group of proud Bay Area community leaders, driven to be part of United Way Bay Area’s fight against poverty.

Join Champions Now

United Way Bay Area Champions


  • Joselito Abat
  • Mohamed Abueida
  • David P. Adams
  • Paul Adler
  • Khalishad Aird
  • Joy Alafia
  • Jason Allen
  • Mark and Linda Allen
  • Donald Alpert
  • Angela Alvarado
  • Scott Anderson
  • Quentin Andrade
  • Terrill Armstrong
  • Greg Aton
  • Jennifer Audal
  • Jeffery Babchuk
  • Albert Bagos
  • Joe Bateman
  • Michael Bawner
  • Steven Beafore
  • Mary Jane Bedegi
  • Deepak Begari
  • Robert Benitez
  • Bryan Berg
  • Summer Bertolet
  • Michael Beusch
  • Rahul Bharal
  • Rex Bigler
  • Carl Bindoo
  • Eve Birge
  • Mark Bluestein
  • Susan Bonsignore
  • Jim Bowbliss
  • Kristin Bradbury
  • Laura Breiman
  • Ralph Brindis
  • Jonathan Brown
  • Felix Bryan
  • Richard L. Bush
  • James Carlson
  • Antonio Carpio
  • Jonathan Carrasco
  • Sean Carter
  • Roel Carter
  • Ray Castro
  • Tom Celentano
  • Diego Cerda
  • Robert Chou
  • Theodore Christen
  • James Clements
  • Selvi Cobanoglu
  • Vincent Cogliano
  • Ed Cohen
  • Ryan Cole
  • Michael Coleman
  • Paul Collanton
  • Sadie Contini
  • Tim Corfey
  • Michael Costa
  • Chad Costigan
  • Cesare Cremona
  • Carolyn Crockett
  • Victoria Croft
  • William E. Crook
  • George Cruz
  • Aaron Cruz
  • Robert Curran
  • Walter Davenport
  • Frederick Davis
  • William DeBord
  • William Delgado
  • Hemant Dhulla
  • Adriana Diener-Veinott
  • Jamey Dille
  • Ian Dillingham
  • Reid Do
  • Traci Dorrough Jacobsen
  • Robert Douglass
  • Steve D. Duff
  • Sandy Duong
  • Curtis Eattock
  • Henry En De Vegvar
  • Mason England
  • Janet Ewing
  • The Margerum Family Fund
  • Katie Fast
  • Adam Feder
  • James Fehr
  • Michael Fernandez
  • Daniel Ferronato
  • Melissa Fimbres
  • Pamela Fischer
  • Sarah Flanagan
  • Scott Flicker
  • James Foley
  • David Frank
  • Brian Freese
  • Howard Friedman
  • David Fry
  • Steven Gandy
  • Sachin Ganpule
  • Jesus Garcia
  • Gus Garcia
  • Ben Garosi
  • Alan Ghiradelli
  • Tom Good
  • Dr. J. Gothelf, M.D.
  • Sherie Hafalia
  • Sean Hall
  • Charles Halter
  • Juanjuan Han
  • Emily Han
  • Frances Harris
  • Frank Hartig
  • Gillian A. Hayward
  • Brandon Heath
  • Alison Hepp
  • Matthew Hetzel
  • Jason Hill
  • Elaine A. Hilp
  • Michael Hintsa
  • Robert P. Hohmann
  • Rick Hosey
  • Rice Household
  • Gary Houston
  • Wayne Howard
  • David Huffman
  • Chi Huynh
  • Greg Imazu
  • Gregory Imazu
  • Anthony Ivanenko
  • Jeremy Jacobsen
  • The Jacque Family
  • Dora James
  • Stratton Jaquette
  • Richard Jardine
  • Robert Jones
  • Richard Jones
  • Nate Jones
  • Tim De Kay
  • Pete Keliuotis
  • Brian Kellas
  • Matthew Kellas
  • Michael Kelly
  • Amy King
  • Mitchell Klockner
  • Madison Koch
  • Byron Kong
  • Andrew Kovacs
  • James Krajeski
  • James Kuykendall
  • Kenneth Kwidzinski
  • Zachariah Larson
  • William Lee
  • Robert S. Leichtner
  • Tjarko Leifer
  • Yvette Leung
  • Mark Lewis
  • Phoebe Li
  • David Li
  • Xin Liu
  • Nick Lockwood
  • Jonathan Loos
  • Claude Lowen
  • David Lowry
  • Rizalina Lucas
  • Geronimo Lupercio
  • Richard Ly
  • Timothy Mahaney
  • Andrew Malicki
  • J. Manzo
  • Rick Marino
  • Jeffrey Marquez
  • Erik Maxfield
  • Gioia McCarthy
  • Kathleen McCarthy
  • Lee McClure
  • Jackie McClure
  • Jerry McCormick
  • Clayton McCoy
  • Kelley McCue
  • Rueban McGoings
  • Marcus McKinney
  • Christopher McLain
  • Mary Mettler
  • Kyle Meyerdick
  • J. Minkel
  • Paul Modjesky
  • Kabir Mokhtarzada
  • Julia Moriarty
  • Tyler Mortensen
  • Ryan Murphy
  • Jalal Nazeri
  • Trevor Neideffer
  • Eric New
  • William Nicholls
  • Dexter Nigos
  • Nicole Nix
  • Ali Nufire
  • Ann O’Bradovich
  • Mairead O’Keefe
  • Maria Oberg
  • Jonathan Ogle
  • Art Okamoto
  • Debra Oldehoeft
  • Michael Olson
  • Maria Onedera
  • Monica Oreilly
  • Marisol Pacheco-Mendez
  • Amy Parker
  • Mitchell Patenaude
  • Thomas Peale
  • Harley Peek
  • Elmer Pena
  • The Perala Family
  • Eddie Pereira
  • Courtney Perez
  • Richard Perkins
  • John Perrin
  • Jeremy Perrin
  • Linda Persson
  • Mary Persyn
  • Michael Petrellese
  • Aaron Phillips
  • Piyapong Phongpatanakhun
  • Lawrence Pitts
  • Jacob Pockrandt
  • Jacob Pockrandt
  • Patricio Ponce
  • Zachary Porschien
  • Steven Prenkert
  • Timothy Pries
  • Bob Primer
  • Kerith Wilkes Pucci
  • Rina Putnam
  • Bryan Radich
  • Alexander Razaghi
  • Selma Razaghi
  • Jane Reece
  • James Reed
  • Marcus Reeves
  • Tasha Retherford
  • Timothy Rickabaugh
  • Robert Ridgel
  • Spencer Rippee
  • Patrick Roberson
  • Michael Roberts
  • Ron Roberts
  • Timothy Robison
  • Preston Rockhold
  • Fernando Rodriguez
  • Chad Rollans
  • Zachary Ronan
  • Kimberly Ronan
  • Pedro Rosales
  • Margaret Rosegay
  • Roger Rosenbaum
  • Dennis Ross
  • Raul Ruano
  • Adam Rubinson
  • Jonathan Sack
  • Paul Sack
  • Jill Salamanca
  • Dale Salvador
  • Manuel Santiago
  • Kenneth Satin
  • Sagar Savant
  • Amy Sawyers
  • Dorothy R. Saxe
  • David Schnyder
  • Steven Schroeder
  • William Schultz
  • Jared Scott
  • Samuel Seaman
  • Pamela Sebastian
  • Patrick Sendegeya
  • Rodney Serviss
  • Jon Shallenberger
  • Jeanne Shalvoy
  • Kiran Shetty
  • S. Shikany
  • John Shinnick
  • Michael Shovlin
  • Mike Sierras
  • Steven Sierras
  • Chris Simmons
  • Elliott Sims
  • Denoris Smith
  • Jeffry Smith
  • Donald Smith
  • James Smith
  • Robert C. Spear
  • William Spinetti
  • Jennifer Sprinkles
  • Thomas Stanley
  • Denise Steele
  • Justin Steinberg
  • Joe Stennet
  • Brad Stephens
  • Michael Straws
  • Nathan Strickland
  • Ross Sullivan
  • Sam-Michael Sumter
  • Relic Sun
  • Lacey Sutherland
  • Barry Swank
  • Julian Tai
  • Mary Aislinn Talbot
  • Dianne Tanihara
  • Jeff Taylor
  • John Thistleton
  • Velvet and Sunday Thomas Family Fund
  • Clifford Titlow
  • Akiyo Toba
  • Dominador Toledo
  • Doug Tolliver
  • Richard Tom
  • Michael Trevino
  • Stephen Trousdale
  • Minoru Tsumura
  • April Twu
  • Mike Ufferman
  • Jose Ursua
  • Bastiaan Van Fraassen
  • Colton Van Wagoner
  • Rob Villarreal
  • Paul Vojta
  • Todd J. Wagner
  • Eric Walker
  • Mark Walker
  • Thomas Walters
  • Manping Wang
  • Guy Wanger
  • Anita Waples
  • Michael Webb
  • Valerie Weirauch
  • Annoesjka West
  • Brianne Weymouth
  • Cameron Wicklow
  • Kyle Wieder
  • Taryn Wier
  • Craig Wildman
  • Donna Williams
  • Nora Willis
  • Lawrence Wilson
  • Jonathan Wilson
  • Floyd J. Withrow
  • Dave Wong
  • Sean Word
  • Mimi Yang
  • Cole Yarbrough
  • Todd Yarbrough
  • Marvin Yee
  • Michele Young
  • Kathy Yu
  • Emmanuel Zabat
  • Joseph Zamagni
  • Danny Zepeda
  • Kevin Zwick
  • Amit Bansal and Karuna Garg
  • Ann Schutts and Bob Stiller
  • Ben and Rachel LaFountain
  • Brian and Randi Fien
  • Bruce and Brigitte
  • Bruce E. and Susan J. Strangeland
  • Carter and Shirley Quinby
  • Chris and Lori Potter
  • Christopher and Emily Marlowe
  • Colleen and Geoff
  • Dave and Jo-Ann Birdsall
  • Dave and Katie Gebler
  • David and Chris Longhurst
  • David and Diann Melnick
  • David and Frances
  • David and Julie De Ford
  • David and Stacey Johnston
  • David M. Roberts and Ms. G
  • Deon and Lisa Anex
  • Don and Bev Steffen
  • Don and Susan Watters
  • Doreen and Brian Cadieux
  • Dr. David Shapiro & Dr. Jane Hawes
  • Ellen and Robert F. Sawyer Fund
  • Eric and Angela Korpela
  • Eric and Kathy Nordman
  • Ervin R. and Marian A. Hafter
  • Eva Lynne and Owen Leibman
  • Francis Schumacher and Nina Friend
  • Gayl and Harlan Hirschfeld
  • Glen and CarrieLyn Guymon
  • Gordon and Glenda Hughes
  • Greg and Sonya DeForrest
  • H. Caroline Willis and James Allan Cook
  • Heather and Robert Sanders
  • Helen C. Danna Fund
  • Jason and Kathleen Wilde
  • Jay and Cindy Price
  • Jeffrey Rahn and Kelli Cree
  • Jerome B. Falk , Jr. & Nancy Falk
  • Jesse and Emily Boulton
  • Jim and Marion Russell
  • Jim and Maureen Sansbury
  • Jim Fiedler and Roanne Ross
  • John and Nicole Skerry
  • John and Penny Pollock
  • John and Sandy Sperinde
  • Jon and Barbara Windham
  • Jonathan Jacobs and Joy Koletsky
  • Joshua A. Birdie & Robert Benavidez
  • Julien Phillips and susan Stoddard-Phillips
  • Justin and Katie McCarthy
  • Justin Chueh and Pauline Shuen
  • Kathleen and Tony Brekke
  • Kathy Klein and Scott Fink
  • Keiko and Gerald Horkan
  • Ken and Kris Moore
  • Ken and Michelle Gibson
  • Kendall C. King and Mary King
  • Lauren and Rick Schwartz
  • Lawrence and Anne Hambly
  • Lenny and Christine Mendonca
  • Leslie and Mike Murphy
  • Lisa Crowley and Ken Murai
  • Lucy and Todd Johns
  • Marc and Marcia Kastner
  • Marcia and George Argyris
  • Margaret and Roy Stehle
  • Michael Anciaux and Wendy Wolfe
  • Mike and Cindy Scanlon
  • Mike Kiedel and Kate Surman
  • Mike Sasnett and Roberta Saxson
  • Milton and Katie Primas
  • Mr. & Mrs. P Luckcuck
  • Mr. and Mrs. John C. Marcus
  • Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Conrady
  • Mr. Sean Lee and Mrs. Angela Poon
  • Mr. William and Mrs. Diane Fisher
  • Pat and Mary Ryan
  • Penelope and Patrick Barrett
  • Peter and Harriet Hanauer
  • Richard and Barbara Almond
  • Richard Bland, MD
  • Richard C. and Robin M. Edwards
  • Rick and Wendy Walleigh
  • Robert and Betty Spiegelman
  • Robert and Jane Schwenker
  • Robert and Katherine Maxfield
  • Robert and Pamela Larocca
  • Ron and Ann Hendel
  • Ron and Jennifer Saake
  • Sandra and Ross McCandless
  • Saul Pena and Charmaine Chow
  • Scott and Christine Stewart
  • Severino and Rona Gorospe
  • Steven and Danna Breinberg
  • Susan A. Semonoff and Stephen M. Sagar
  • Susan and Charles Rothschild
  • The Honorable and Mrs. Stuart R. Pollak
  • The Richard and Emily Levin Foundation
  • Theresa and Dennis Rohan
  • Thomas E. and Jamie Geidt
  • Thomas V. Loran III and Francine T. Radford
  • Tory Sims and Curtis Yancy
  • William and Lorraine Irving

Have questions?


For more information or to make your Champion gift, email us here.