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A group of people working at a table discussing metrics 2023 A group of people working at a table discussing metrics 2023

United Way Bay Area Community Needs Dashboard

SPECIAL NOTE: This dashboard is optimized for Desktop only at this time.

The data below was created to identifying opportunities to inform funding and program service delivery decisions for United Way Bay Area.
The following UWBA Community Needs Dashboard includes county-level and ZIP Code level data on each of the measures of economic stability, as well as descriptive characteristics (race/ethnicity) of residents. (Data Sources: United Way of California, Real Cost Measure 2019. U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2020 5-Year Estimates)

In 2022, United Way Bay Area partnered with Applied Survey Research to conduct a study to assess how well the distribution of funds in the Bay Area aligns with community needs, with an emphasis on identifying opportunities to inform funding and program service delivery decisions. Community needs were defined primarily by four key indicators of poverty: 1) true cost of living as defined by the Real Cost Measure, 2) percentage of the population earning less than the Federal Poverty Level, 3) percentage of the population experiencing unemployment, and 4) percentage of the population experiencing housing burden (spending more than 30% of their income on housing).