Text “RENTSOS” To 211-211: Know Your Rights As A Renter
September 15, 2020
With the passage of the new statewide eviction moratorium – the Tenant, Homeowner, and Small Landlord Relief and Stabilization Act of 2020 (AB 3088) – Californians across the state are all scrambling to understand what the law means for them. This is a critical period for California where tens of thousands of people are at risk of homelessness if they are not properly informed of their rights as tenants.
In order to address this, United Ways of California (UWCA) is working with a number of legal aid and tenants rights groups on a newly launched text “RentSOS to 211-211” campaign. This will help tenants understand what steps they need to take to stay housed and access resources to support them.
We strongly encourage you to use and refer people seeking updated information to text “RentSOS” to 211-211. Once individuals text “RentSOS”to 211-211, they will:
- Receive information on their rights as tenants
- Be directed to a resource directory for legal aid in their county
- Be provided with important documentation that may be needed for legal protections under the law
UWCA will continue to consult with legal aid experts and the State Administration on the content to ensure timely and accurate information.
For more information on the statewide eviction moratorium, please click here.
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