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April 21, 2021

By: Kevin Zwick
Child putting on mask by mother

2020 Impact Report (PDF)

Through the generous support of donors, volunteers, and partners like you, United Way Bay Area was able to continue delivering powerful impact in a year when many of our neighbors needed us more than ever. Your contributions create the impact you will see throughout this report. Thank you for being there for us and for each other.

In this report, you will see that many families and individuals who rely on United Way Bay Area were heavily impacted by the overlapping waves of crisis amplified by the pandemic, facing job losses, school closures, housing instability, resource gaps, and many other difficulties. All of these challenges hit communities of color the hardest, reflected by the 81% of our clients who identify as people of color.

Together, we are emerging from these crises and beginning to rebuild a more equitable future. Together, we are helping hundreds of thousands of our Bay Area neighbors with basic needs such as food and shelter, providing financial stability coaching and training, supporting employment and career opportunities for young adults, providing wildfire survivors with immediate and long-term support, and so much more. If you would like to learn more about the impact of your support, please reach out. We would be delighted to hear from you.

Now more than ever, we must stand united, facing these challenges together. So we deeply appreciate you remaining steadfast with us in our mission to break the cycle of poverty in the Bay Area. Because of you, we can continue lighting the path to brighter futures for Bay Area families.

Thank you for your support!

With gratitude,

Kevin Zwick,

CEO, United Way Bay Area

2020 Impact Report (PDF)