Dial 2-1-1,
call 1-904-632-0600 or text "Hello" to 211904
United Way 211 is the suicide intervention and prevention helpline for Northeast Florida and is nationally accredited by the American Association of Suicidology. Call Center Specialists are also certified and trained to handle crisis and suicide-related calls.
Dial: 2-1-1,
call: 1-904-632-0600 or text: HELLO to 211904
National Suicide Prevention Hotline:
Calls for assistance
Referrals for emergency assistance
Resources in our 2-1-1 database
Check out reference and promotional materials from some of United Way 211’s partners.
Our Proud Partners
2-1-1 Privacy Policy
We respect the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information. This Notice describes our legal duties and privacy practices.