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A Century of Impact, United for Equity

In 2022 United Way Bay Area (UWBA) celebrates 100 years of fighting poverty across the San Francisco Bay Area. 100 years of uniting community members, building and operating programs, and providing resources to Bay Area residents. We celebrate YOU: Those we have the honor to serve, our partners, donors, volunteers, and friends. You inspire and empower us to continue, year after year, as we charge ahead into our second century of impact, more determined than ever to dismantle the root causes of poverty and build equitable pathways to prosperity.


Founded on December 23, 1922, United Way Bay Area (UWBA) has worked to address the root causes of poverty in the San Francisco Bay Area region.


Since 1922, United Way Bay Area has been a change catalyst – bringing the community together to address our toughest issues and most urgent needs. Although our strategies and approach have changed over the past 100 years, our commitment to an equitable and thriving Bay Area remains the same. Today, through initiatives and policy change, we provide immediate and long-term support for employment, housing, financial stability, and meeting basic needs. We are committed to being a champion for inclusion and systemic change – building an equitable Bay Area where all people have the opportunities and resources needed to thrive.




On May 19, 2022 we celebrated the progress community members like you have made possible, we invite you to view the virtual replay and join us in our Centennial year through one of the options below.


We honor our past, recognize our present impact, and look forward to building a future of a more equitable Bay Area where all people have the opportunities and resources needed to thrive. Be a part of this milestone event as we come together to celebrate a Century of Impact, United for Equity.

A special message from…


Centennial Event Recap Video

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UWBA Ambassadors Video

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Sample Images from our Centennial Celebration!

Take a Glance Back at 100 Years of Impact

We have handpicked some key moments in our history, starting with 1922 – the year we were founded to our present day. Scroll through and enjoy a trip down memory lane of our impact in the Bay Area.

1920s – 1950s

1960s – 1980s

1990s – Present



“While our Centennial year is a time of celebration for us, United Way Bay Area recognizes that there is still tremendous work to be done in a region facing some of the most significant poverty-related issues in the country. We just introduced our 2022-2025 Strategic Plan, a series of priorities and initiatives designed to catapult us into our next century of impact.”

United Way Bay Area CEO Kevin Zwick Headshot


Kevin Zwick
Chief Executive Officer, United Way Bay Area


Foundation for our future
Strategic Plan 2022 – 2025


Our plan consists of four strategic pillars whose work is grounded in our organization-wide focus on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Each of these pillars will employ a series of strategies and measurable goals which ensure we stay focused on our mission priorities of the past, while adapting and embracing new challenges and opportunities of the present.


The Four Pillars of Our Strategic Plan

United Way Bay Area Strategic Plan Four Pillars Graphic

“Our second century of impact begins with this bold plan. In it, we recommit ourselves to addressing the persistent inequities and emerging challenges which continue to trap too many of our neighbors in a cycle of poverty, impacting everyone throughout this region. If we all pull together, we can bring this plan to life and realize each of its worthy goals.”

Pierre Breber, Chair of the Board, United Way Bay Area
Chief Financial Officer, Chevron


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


UWBA is committed to embodying the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Though we are early in our anti-racist journey, we are taking a deliberate approach to ensure that our internal and external practices combat institutional racism, bias, and ethnic discrimination. The principles in our strategic plan offer a proactive stance to dismantling systemic racism both within the organization and within the community

View Strategic Plan



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