San Mateo County Ballot Measures – Quick Navigation
San Mateo Measure JJ | Support
General Plan Amendment (City of East Palo Alto)
This measure would utilize an existing gross receipts tax on rental units, generating $1.35 million to fund tenant rental assistance. The measure prohibits this tax from being passed onto tenants. The fund would support affordable homeownership opportunities, affordable housing preservation, cover administrative expenses, and protect residents from displacement and homelessness.
We strongly support anti-displacement policies that prevent homelessness, preserve existing affordable housing, and prioritize homeownership opportunities. This funding source will ensure East Palo Alto has the policy tools they need to protect housing stability for their neighbors. Communities thrive when affordable housing is prioritized.
San Mateo Measure T | Support
City General Plan Amendment (City of San Mateo)
This measure allows for additional affordable housing for low and middle-income residents in transit-oriented, high-opportunity neighborhoods, primarily downtown along El Camino Real. This measure preserves low-density residential neighborhoods in the City of San Mateo, reduces traffic impacts, and ensures the city can meet state housing requirements.
We support rezoning for affordable housing at increased densities along transit corridors. This measure would build affordable housing close to Caltrain and existing businesses, making it a desirable and walkable place to live. Increasing the number of affordable housing units available to residents with middle and low incomes in San Mateo is necessary to meet State housing element requirements and benefits the community by providing quality affordable housing in high-opportunity areas.
UWBA Broadly Supports Investments in Education
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