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CEO of United Way Bay Area, applauds passage of the Inflation Reduction Act but…

August 15, 2022

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Media Contact:
Blake Case
(601) 832-6079

STATEMENT: CEO of United Way Bay Area, Kevin Zwick, applauds passage of the Inflation Reduction Act but urges more action on care economy and poverty reduction

Statement from Kevin Zwick, CEO of United Way Bay Area, the area’s most respected and effective philanthropic organization fighting poverty, on the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act 

San Francisco, Calif., August 15, 2022— The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act is an historic moment, and I applaud the members of Congress who pushed the legislation over the finish line. The investments around climate resiliency, renewable energy, prescription drug pricing, and Medicare reform will no doubt have a positive effect for the 1 in 4 Bay Area families who are struggling to make ends meet.

When Congress returns from their recess, I urge them to do so with a renewed commitment to addressing the anti-poverty initiatives that were left out of this bill: money for childcare, elder care, housing, pre-K, community colleges, an extension of the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit, among other things. Investing in these programs that are central to our care economy would have a direct impact on millions of California families. We know this to be true, because we’ve already seen it work.

Last year, the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit delivered over $1 billion to more than 4 million California families who needed it the most. But Congress failed to renew these tax credits, potentially putting millions of children across our state back in poverty.

So, while I applaud and congratulate Congress for the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, I urge them to do more. Return to the negotiating table around key investments that didn’t make it into this bill. Invest in childcare, education, and housing. Renew the Child Tax and Earned Income Tax Credits. The Bay Area families fighting poverty and trying to make ends meet are counting on you.

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To request an interview with United Way Bay Area CEO Kevin Zwick, contact Blake Case at (601) 832-6079 or

About United Way Bay Area:

United Way Bay Area (UWBA) mobilizes the Bay Area to assist people living in poverty and to dismantle the root causes of poverty. One of the most respected and highly effective philanthropic organizations fighting poverty, UWBA supports workers and students seeking employment and better careers, helps families struggling to meet basic needs, supports our neighbors toward achieving their financial stability goals, and advocates for housing justice for all Bay Area residents. Learn more at