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The Skyline of San Francisco. The Skyline of San Francisco.

Learn about our Housing Work

We believe that housing is a fundamental human right.


Addressing housing and homelessness in the Bay Area has thus never been more essential than it is right now. Historical disparities reproduced in today’s housing system operate in tandem with the Bay Area’s immense racial wealth gap, with Black and Latinx resident’s half as likely to own homes and twice as likely to live in poverty. In short, fighting for housing stability and affordability requires putting equity front and center. Housing Justice is a social justice issue.

The skyline of San Francisco at dusk.

Glossary of Terms


For a great glossary of affordable housing terms, visit our grantee, EBHO’s, Study Room

Blog: Building Towards Regional Solutions


Groundbreaking regional authority, a force for change, and a $10-20b bond measure-discover how to unlock affordable housing across the Bay.


Discover how to unlock affordable housing across the Bay Area

A house built from puzzle pieces against a gray background.
A moody illustration with a grayish blue sky and many color houses almost stacked atop each other.

Blog: 5 Ways Whole Communities Can Benefit From Affordable Housing


Karen Nemsick talks about uplifting communities, boosting the economy, & creating healthier environments all with affordable housing.


Learn more about how communities can benefit from affordable housing

Reach Out


I would love to hear from you. Contact us, and a member of our team will reach out to you.


Headshot of a female presenting individual.
Karen Nemsick
Senior Director, Individual Giving

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