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CEO of United Way Bay Area Applauds Passage of Local Affordable Housing Initiatives…

November 11, 2022

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Media Contact:
Paulina Campos
(650) 455-9928

STATEMENT: CEO of United Way Bay Area, Kevin Zwick, Applauds Passage of Local Affordable Housing Initiatives Across the Bay Area

Statement from Kevin Zwick, CEO of United Way Bay Area, the area’s most respected and effective philanthropic organization fighting poverty, on the passage of several local ballot initiatives to support affordable housing and relief

San Francisco, Calif., Nov. 9, 2022—Yesterday was an important day for the thousands of Bay Area residents fighting to keep themselves and their neighbors housed. I am thrilled that so many local ballot initiatives to increase affordable housing and assistance were successful at the polls. Initiatives like Measures Q and U in the City of Oakland, Measure M in the City and County of San Francisco, and Measures AA and T in the City of South San Francisco will encourage more building, promote affordable housing, and usher in additional resources to fight homelessness. The defeat of Measure V in the City of Menlo Park also marks a win against inequities in housing policy. These results further make the case that we will continue to need bold policy initiatives and strong advocacy in future elections at the regional and state levels to create more affordable and equitable housing solutions.

At United Way Bay Area we know that we cannot dismantle the root causes of poverty without tackling the issue of housing justice. The unaffordable cost of housing is the number one issue that forces and keeps families in poverty. Nearly 4 in 10 Bay Area households are paying more than 30% of their income on rent and housing. Low-income people are paying upwards of 70% of their income on housing. A lack of sufficient, affordable housing drives widening income inequality in our community, and we must all work together to find solutions for those most in need.

Poverty is a policy choice. Voters have made their voices heard, and it’s clear that the housing crisis is at the top of their priorities. These election results are a good first step in ensuring we are being proactive and addressing the housing crisis head-on, but now it’s imperative that our local and state leaders continue to hear the voice of the voters and create and implement equitable solutions that ensure the Bay Area continues to be a place where we can all live and thrive.

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To request an interview with United Way Bay Area CEO Kevin Zwick, contact Paulina Campos at or (650) 455-9928. 


About United Way Bay Area:

United Way Bay Area (UWBA) mobilizes the Bay Area to assist people living in poverty and to dismantle the root causes of poverty. One of the most respected and highly effective philanthropic organizations fighting poverty, UWBA supports workers and students seeking employment and better careers, helps families struggling to meet basic needs, supports our neighbors toward achieving their financial stability goals, and advocates for housing justice for all Bay Area residents. Learn more at