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A family of five comprised of two female presenting individuals and three male presenting individuals walking down a path in what appears to be a park. A family of five comprised of two female presenting individuals and three male presenting individuals walking down a path in what appears to be a park.

Napa County

Building Stronger Communities in Napa County

Our Commitment to Making a Difference


Welcome to our Napa County page. Here we highlight the critical needs, as well as the opportunities for creating positive change in the region. Napa County is known for its vineyards, scenic landscapes, and thriving tourism industry. However, behind this idyllic facade, many of our Napa residents still face challenges related to affordable housing, financial security, and access to basic needs.


We are committed to addressing these needs and supporting Napa County residents in their efforts to break the cycle of poverty. Through this page, we aim to provide you with valuable data and insights that shed light on the specific challenges faced by this region and how we are working together to create lasting change.

A male presenting individual with short black hair and black framed glasses wearing a blue and red checkered button-up.

Meet Mario.


College can be a stressful time. Between the pressures of juggling school and life, money is often an obstacle to success that many students face. Mario knows the stress of this, firsthand. When he was attending Canada College, education expenses hit him directly in the form of books – they were expensive! But, while rummaging around the campus bookstore, one day, a flyer got his attention. It promised financial support for education.


Mario was skeptical, but he made the call to 211 and was able to connect with SparkPoint services. That phone call ended up being a key moment of clarity: taking advantage of the services available, allowed him to start developing healthy habits and ultimately gave him a greater understanding of how to manage financial expenses head-on.


“Honestly, this was the best decision I made because now I am more confident and aware of my financial behavior.”


Today, Mario is fulfilling a life goal by working with LifeMoves helping those in need while at the same time sitting on the board for EFSP (Emergency Food and Shelter Program), on UWBA Advisory Council member & the UWBA Ambassadors Council.


“[UWBA] helped me successfully complete my college education and earn an associate’s [degree] in Business Administration and Economics at Cañada College – debt free!”

12,070 individuals are food insecure

3,110 low-income renter households do not have access to an affordable home

24% of households fall below the Real Cost Measure ($93,310 for a family of 4)

The Need in Napa County

Access to basic needs is difficult for many

24% households in Napa County struggle to meet basic needs including paying for food and groceries, housing and utility bills; and keeping up with monthly car payments and other transportation costs.

The wealth gap is increasing

Among full time workers In Napa County, the income of low-wage workers decreased 10% between 2000 and 2019, while high-wage workers' income increased 13%

Housing is a cost burden for many residents

17,712 households in Napa County are housing burdened, spending more than 30% of household income on rent.

Our Impact in the Community



Individuals in earth tones sorting food into bins.

Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP)

(We allocate the funding distributed through this program via partner organizations, ensuring the eight Bay Area counties we serve continue to receive the appropriate level of federal resources so residents can access basic needs.)


As the pandemic continued affecting Napa County residents, the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) provided 78,913 meals


Learn More About EFSP

Free Tax Help

(Free tax preparation for anyone who needs it)


Free Tax Help has helped provide $2,664,226 in refunds back into the pockets of Napa County residents


Learn More About Our Free Tax Help Program

A female presenting individual in a bright yellow shirt branded with the United Way logo appearing to help an individual with their taxes.
Two female presenting individuals wearing black smiling against a white wall that has the words 'SparkPoint' on it.


(Centers that provide one-stop access to a full range of services to move families towards financial prosperity.)


79% of SparkPoint clients served in one of our three Napa County centers who started with a financial crisis improved income, credit, debt, and/or savings after working with a Sparkpoint coach


Learn More About Our SparkPoint program

Explore the Data

An outstretched hand against a deep blue background holding an abstract representation of what might be data.

The Real Cost Measure


United Ways of California, in partnership with California’s 29 local United Ways, is proud to release How Much it Costs to Struggle: The Real Cost Measure in California 2023, a study on what it takes to make ends meet in California.


Unlike the official poverty measure which primarily accounts for the cost of food, the Real Cost Measure factors the costs of housing, food, health care, childcare, transportation and other basic needs to reveal what it really costs to live in California.

Explore our Real Cost Measure dashboard
Houses in San Francisco against the San Francisco Skyline with the Transamerica Building clearly visible.

211 Bay Area


(A free, vital service that connects callers with health and human services (food, shelter, childcare, legal services))


2-1-1 phone and text services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and are available in 150 languages through phone interpretation services and English and Spanish for text services.

Explore our 211 Dashboard

San Francisco County Impact Sheet


We have a wealth of information to share. Our San Francisco County Infographic delves into the needs of the county and what we are doing to address it.


Sign-Up and Access Our Impact Sheet


The first page of a report with the text 'Impact Fact Sheet' that displays information about the number of community partners and grantees against a deep blue background.

Sign-Up and Access All County Impact Sheets


These “Impact Fact Sheets” summarize the key findings of the needs in each of our 8 Bay Area Counties that we serve and our collective community impact so you can quickly access this important information.


Bay Area Impact Analysis By County


We have been working to alleviate poverty across our eight‐county region for a century. We invite you to learn more about our work, our relationships.


A young female presenting individual with their hair tied up, a gray long sleeve shirt and orange vest, and a pin that says 'volunteer'.

Alameda County

116,630 individuals are experiencing food insecurity in Alameda County alone.

See Alameda’s Need

Two young female presenting individuals wearing black shirts with United Way Bay Area branding smiling at the camera.

Contra Costa County

27,709 renter-households with low incomes DO NOT have access to an affordable home.

See Contra Costa’s Need

A female presenting individual holding their child who has their hand dipped in paint and is placing their handprint on a white sheet that has the words 'everyone belongs' on it.

Marin County

40,404 households in Marin County spend more than 30% of household income on rent.

See Marin County’s Need

A family of five comprised of two female presenting individuals and three male presenting individuals walking down a path in what appears to be a park.

Napa County

Full-time income for workers in low-wage jobs decreased 10% between 2000 and 2019, while high-wage job income increased 13%.

See Napa County’s Need

A number of individuals around a table wearing Golden State Warriors jerseys in front of a banner that says 'United Way Bay Area Live United' in what appears to be a basketball arena.

San Francisco County

A typical family of four needs $127,332 just to meet basic needs. The median income for SF residents is $119,136.

See San Francisco’s Need

Two individuals in white shirts with the word 'volunteer' on them putting together items in a bag.

San Mateo County

33,374 individuals have been served through UWBA programs – that’s nearly twice the seating capacity of the Chase Center.

See San Mateo’s Need

Three individuals leaning over boxes in winter clothing and bright yellow vests.

Santa Clara County

27,400 children are experiencing food insecurity.

See Santa Clara’s Need

A male presenting individual speaking into a microphone facing left.

Solano County

54,584 households are housing burdened, spending more than 30% of household income on rent.

See Solano County’s Need

Partner Agencies


  • Abode Services
  • Asian, Inc.
  • Bay Area Legal Aid
  • Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Santa Rosa
  • Community Action of Napa Valley (inc Food Bank Napa)
  • Napa County Health and Human Services Agency
  • Napa Emergency Women’s Services (NEWS)
  • On The Move*
  • Planned Parenthood Northern California
  • Puertas Abiertas
  • Salvation Army Napa Corps
  • Self Help Credit Union
  • UpValley Family Centers of Napa County*


* UWBA Grantees

Make a Difference


We have been working to alleviate poverty across our eight‐county region for a century. We invite you to learn more about our work, our relationships.


Support Our Region

Now that you know the need, support our region and make a difference today!


Two female presenting individuals, one who is in late life and another who is a child forming a heart with their each of their hands to each others.

Partner With Us On Your CSR Goals

Find out how we can partner to amplify your community support and create a lasting impact together.


a group of seven people, the camera above them looking down, putting their hands together in a circle as though they are about to cheer.

Your Voice Matters

Raise your voice and advocate for policy measures that drive positive change and uplift the needs of our community.


A group of three people with the right-most individual in focus, the others out of focus, the in focus individual is peaking into a mic and gesturing.

A yellow hand icon with blue marks signifying movement.

Napa County Quiz

What percentage of households struggle to meet basic needs in Napa County?

How many households spend more than 30% of their household income on rent?